
Elect Diane For State Senate

Vote Diane Linthicum for State Senate

What I Believe

As a lifelong advocate for rural Oregon and constitutional freedoms, I firmly believe in preserving our way of life against overreach and regulation. Our communities deserve the liberty to manage their resources and make decisions that best serve their families and futures. I stand unwavering in my commitment to protect our foundational rights to life, liberty, and property. Upholding these principles is not just my duty but my honor as your representative in the State Senate.


Diane is dedicated to defending our Constitutional rights, beginning with the fundamental principles of life, gun ownership, free speech, conscience, and religious expression. She stands firm with NO COMPROMISE. As a concealed-carry-weapon permit holder and steadfast advocate for the Second Amendment, she remains unwavering in her commitment to protect our freedoms.

My Commitment to the 2nd Amendment


I hold a deep conviction that life is a sacred gift that deserves protection from conception to natural end. This belief guides my commitment to advocate for the most vulnerable among us—the unborn. My efforts are dedicated to fostering a society where every life is valued and protected by laws that reflect our compassion and humanity.

My Commitment to the Sanctity of Human Life


President Trump's leadership has significantly shaped my vision for a prosperous, secure, and resilient America. I am proud to support policies that prioritize our nation's interests, strengthen our economy, and restore respect for traditional American values. My alignment with President Trump is rooted in a shared dedication to putting America first and ensuring that our policies benefit every American citizen.

My Support for President Trump

Fighting For Rural Oregon Values

"I have worked for 8 years in Salem; I've seen the damage done to Oregonians, and I'm equipped to be your fierce Freedom advocate!"

Stop the Tax, Spend, Regulate, and Rule crowd...

 Our natural resources are being destroyed by special interests and heavy-handed bureaucracies. Farmers, ranchers, water-right holders, Ag producers and foresters are fast losing their ability to manage their own businesses. Diane is committed to free markets and liberty-based economic prosperity. She will oppose threats of intrusion and regulation by Salem Democrats and will support the Greater Idaho movement. 

Endorsed By:

Dennis Linthicum

Oregon Right to Life PAC

Young Republicans of Oregon

Oregon Firearms PAC

E. Werner Reschke - Representative HD55

Emily McIntire - Representative HD56

Senator Kim Thatcher

Senator Brian Boquist

Senator Art Robinson

Diane Will

  • Sponsor Education Choice for Oregon's families and their children
  • Fight for age-appropriate education materials in our schools with proficiency standards for graduation
  • Support Medical Freedom, Informed Consent, and privacy
  • Safeguard the unalienable Right to life for all people - pre-born, elderly, and disabled
  • Champion free, fair, transparent elections and in-person voting with ID
  • Protect Private Property rights
  • Promote public safety and criminal prosecution
  • Advocate ending Oregon's "Sanctuary State" status
  • Oppose fiscal suicide promoted by tax and spend Democrats
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